11th Computer Applications public exam important question 2022-2023 for Tamil medium
11th Computer Applications public exam important question for Tamil medium
- What is TCP/IP?
- Write a note on Hotspot internet service.
- Differentiate Data Card and Dongles.
- Write a note on two access methods of connecting to internet.
- Differentiate browser and a search engine with suitable examples.
- Differentiate Website and Webpage.
- What is the difference between Static and dynamic web page.
- What are Advantages of email.
- Explain any five types of internet services.
- Explain any five internet applications with suitable examples.
- Write a note on any five Internet browsers other than that given in the book.an
- Explain the do’s and don’t of safe surfing on internet.
- Sandhiya is creating a webpage. She is entering HTML code on her computer. In between, she keeps pressing “Refresh” / “Reload” button on her browser. What is the purpose?
- What is the wrong in the following coding?
<my web page>
<title> Welcome to my web page
- Explain with the help of an example the difference between container and empty elements of HTML.
- How do you define comments in HTML?
- How do you include an image as your web page background?
- Explain the attributes available with <body> tag.
- What are the attributes available in <html> tags?
- How do you view the source file?
- How do you save a file as HTML file?
- Write a HTML program to display your school name and address using various heading level tags.
- Write the basic structure of a HTML program.
- Write a short note on (i) <strong> (ii) <em>
- What is the use of <mark> tag?
- Write the following equation as HTML notation: Pd = 2s – Q2
- Write about any two attributes of font tag.
- What is thematic break?
- What is pixel?
- What are the types of list in HTML?
- How will you define numbered list?
- Explain the attributes used with <table> tag in HTML.
- Explain the types of list with suitable HTML code.
- What is Link and explain the types of links.
- List out the popular image formats.
- Write down the general format of marquee
- What is inline sound or movie?
- What is the purpose of <input> tag?
- Which tag is used to specify the list of items in dropdown list box?
- What are the major attributes are available in <textarea> tag?
- Write a short note on familiar images format.
- How will you scroll the text in HTML?
- Explain the main attributes used with <form> tag.
- Explain the values of <input> tag’s type attribute.
- Explain the attributes of <select> and <option> tags.
- What is the use of <style> tag?
- What is CSS?
- Write the general format of linking CSS with HTML.
- What is Inline Style?
- Write down general format of CSS declaration.
- What are the advantages of using CSS?
- Write a short note on rule of CSS.
- Write a CSS file to define text color and alignment to <p> tag.
- Write a CSS file to define font type, style and size to <h1> tag.
- Write an HTML document to display the following paragraph as per the given description Using CSS.
- List and explain the Font and text element properties and values used CSS.
- Write a syntax of <script> tag
- What is scope of variables and types of scope variable?
- Write a notes to type casting in JavaScript
- How many Literals in JavaScript and mention its types.
- What is conditional operator give suitable example.
- What are the comments in Java Script?
- Write note on type of Operator.
- Write the role of variable in JavaScript.
- What is the uses of prompt dialog box?
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