12th computer science PTA model question paper 2019-2020
PTA model question paper
- Define database.
- Define DBMS.
- What is cursor in SQL?
- Why SQL command is defined with triple quotes in python?
- What happened if a column of table is declared as integer primary key?
- Write note on SELECT statement in SQL.
- Write not on COUNT() function.
- What is the difference between MAX() and MIN() functions?
- Write about execute() function. Execute (sql[, Parameter]):
- What is the operation of cursor. Description?
- Write note on master table.
- Write note on SQLite.
- Write down the steps to use SQLite
- Explain how a connection to be made to a database through python sqlite3?
- What is the difference between fetchall(), fetchone() and fetchmany() methods?
- Write a program to display the content of tuples in newline without using loops.
- Explain the usage of DISTINCT and WHERE clauses.
- Explain the usage of group by, ORDER BY and HAVING clauses.
- Write a python code for opening the CSG file through MS- Excel and view the result.
- Define Infographics.
- What do you mean by scatter plot?
- Write note on Box plot.
- What is scripting language?
- List popular scripting languages.
- What do you mean by garbage collection?
- Write short note on python language.
- What are the processing skill of SQL?
- How will you insert a record in a table? Explain suitable example.
- Explain UPDATE command with suitable example.
- Explain briefly about ALTER command.
- Explain sorting records with ORDER BY clause.
- Explain GROUP BY clause with an example.
- What is an object?
- Write the syntax for class definition.
- What do you mean by statement in a class definition?
- Differentiate public and private data members.
- What do you mean by class variable, methods and members related to a class?
- Explain the method of creation of object for a class and accessing its members.
- Explain class method in python.
- Write a menu driven program that keeps record of books available in you school library.
- Write a program to accept a string and print the number of uppercase,, lowercase, vowels, consonants and spaces in the given string..
- How will you create a list with series of values?
- Write about various list functions in python.
- Explain the methods of creating a tuple with suitable example.
- Write note on len () function.
- How will you access list elements using for statement?
- How will you change the list elements?
- Write note on list comprehension.
- Write about dictionary in python.
- Write the syntax for defining a dictionary with an example.
- Write note on dictionary comprehension.
- How will you create a string in python?
- How will you access characters in a string?
- Write note on replace function.
- Write note on append operator.
- Give any 6 formatting characters with their usage?
- Write a short note on modifying and deleting string.
- What is known as stride when slicing string?
- Explain various function arguments with suitable example.
- Write any 5 built and mathematical in function.
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