12th Computer Applications interior Question pdf 2022-2023 for English medium
12th Computer Applications English Medium Book Interior Question
- What is meant by the term multimedia?
- What are the various of digital media?
- Write a short note on static text.
- Write a short note on vector images.
- What are the advantages of vector images?
- Compare path animation and frame animation.
- What is the purpose of page layout tool?
- What are the components of page maker window?
- What is the title bar?
- What are the menu options available in menu bar?
- What is tooltip?
- Write the steps to show toolbox in page maker.
- Write the steps to hide toolbox in page maker.
- Write the steps to show ruler in page maker.
- Write the steps to hide ruler in page maker.
- What is the purpose of undo command?
- How to move a text box in page maker?
- Write short note on text block in page maker.
- How will you rejoin the split blocks?
- What do you mean by threading text?
- How will you close a document?
- How to remove pages in page maker?
- How to hide the master items?
- Define database.
- Define DBMS.
- What are the various methods to access file system?
- What are the limitations of database?
- Write the various forms of database.
- What are the features of RDBMS?
- What do you mean by table in relational database model?
- Write the types of SQL commands.
- What is the purpose of JOIN clause?
- What is XAMPP?
- What is meant by the designing of databases?
- What is the purpose of var_dump() function?
- Classification of client server architecture model.
- Write the types of PHP syntax.
- List some common shared resources used in internet.
- What is node?
- What is the use of E-Governance?
- List some powerful search engines?
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[pdf-embedder url=”https://csknowledgeopener.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/XII-CA-EM-BOOK-INTERIOR-QUESTION-2022-2023.pdf” title=”XII – CA EM BOOK INTERIOR QUESTION 2022-2023″]