11th computer applications English medium study material pdf 2023-2024 (New)
Choose the correct answer (1 mark)
- Expansion of CSS
(A) Cascading Style Schools (B) Cascading Style Scheme
(C) Cascading Style Sheets (D) Cascading Style Shares
- Which of the following is the page level style?
(A) <Page> (B) <Style> (C) <Link> (D) <H>
- CSS is also called as:
(A) Sitewide Style Sheets (B) Internal Style Sheets
(C) Inline Style Sheets (D) Internal Inline Sheets
- The extension of CSS file is
(A) .ssc (B) .css (C) .csc (D) .htm
- What is selector?
(A) Property (B) Value (C) HTML tag (D) name
- The Declaration block of CSS is surrounded by
(A) ( ) (B) [ ] (C) { } (D) <>
- The declaration should be terminated by
(A) : (B) ; (C) . (D) ,
- What is the property to set text as bold?
(A) Font-Style (B) Font-Weight (C) Font-Property (D) Font-Bold
- Which of the following indicates that the text included is a comment ?
(A) /* */ (B) !* *! (C) <* *> (D) \* *\
- Which of the following ways below is correct to write a CSS?
(A) p{color:red; text-align:center}; (B) p {color:red; text-align:center}
(C) p {color:red; text-align:center;} (D) p (color:red;text-align:center;)
Choose the correct answer (1 mark)
- Which image format was standardize by W3C?
- The tag used to insert an image in HTML:
(A) Image (B) Picture (C) Img (D) Pic
- In HTML, a piece of text or image can be moved horizontally or vertically by using:
(A) <marquee> (B) <img> (C) <embed> (D) <text>
- Inline sound can be inserted using which of the following tag?
(A) <inline> (B) <backgroundsound> (C) <bgsound> (D) <sound>
- Which value causes the audio play as long as the page is in view?
(A) Stop (B) Never Stop (C) Continue (D) Infinite
- The important attributes used with the <form> tag are
(A) method and action (B) name and size (C) post and get (D) type and name
- The tag is used to create dropdown list box in HTML is:
(A) <dropdown> (B) <select> (C) <listbox> (D) <input>
Choose the correct answer (1 mark)
- Which of the following tags are called as physical style tags?
(A) <html>, <b>, <br> (B) <b>, <br>, <u>
(C) <A>, <b>, <i> (D) <b>, <i>, <u>
- Which feature is used to call attention to the reader?
(A) Highlight (B) Bold (C) Italics (D) Underline
- The tags <sub> and <sup> used for:
(A) Subject and Super (B) Subscript and Super
(C) Subject and Superscript (D) Subscript and Superscript
- A named set of certain style of character and number is:
(A) Style (B) Character (C) Font (D) List
- Pick odd one from the list
(A) <tr> (B) <th> (C) <dh> (D) <td>
- “CS KNOWLEDGE OPENER” Computer Applicationsfor standard XI has been prepared in accordance with the New Textbook released by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
- Each chapter consists of an Important Terms / Definition and Answers to the Textbook Questions, which gives a summary of the concepts presented in the text in a simple and lucid language.
- It is hoped that this book in the present form will satisfy all types of learners and help them improve their learning potential, apart from mentally preparing them to face any type of questions in the examinations.
- This Study Material is prepared from Revised Edition Text Book 2023
- Our aim is to make all the students who study this study material to score high marks in theory.
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