11th computer science public exam important question 2022-2023 for Tamil medium
11th computer science public exam important question Tamil medium
- Explain the versions of Windows Operating System.
- Explain the different ways of finding a file or Folder.
- Write the procedure to create shortcut in Windows OS.
- What are the functions of Windows Operating system?
- Write a note on Recycle bin.
- Write a note on the elements of a window.
- Write the two ways to create a new folder.
- Differentiate copy and move.
- What is known as Multitasking?
- What are called standard icons?
- Differentiate Files and Folders.
- Differentiate Save and Save As option.
- How will you Rename a File?
- Explain the concept of a Distributed Operating System along with its advantages..
- List out the points to be noted while creating a user interface for an Operating system.
- Explain the process management algorithms in Operating System.
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of Time-sharing features?
- List out the key features of Operating system
- Write a note on Multiprocessing
- List out any two uses of Operating System?
- What is the multi-user Operating system?
- What is a GUI?
- What are the security management features available in Operating System?
- What is multi-processing?
- What are the different Operating Systems used in computer?
- Explain the characteristics of a microprocessor.
- How the read and write operations are performed by a processor? Explain.
- Arrange the memory devices in ascending order based on the access time.
- Explain the types of ROM.
- Differentiate Computer Organization from Computer Architecture.
- Classify the microprocessor based on the size of the data.
- Write down the classifications of microprocessors based on the instruction set.
- Differentiate PROM and EPROM.
- Write down the interfaces and ports available in a computer.
- Differentiate CD and DVD
- How will you differentiate a flash memory and an EEPROM?
- What are the parameters which influence the characteristics of a microprocessor?
- What is an instruction?
- What is a program counter?
- What is HDMI?
- What is a computer?
- Distinguish between data and information.
- What are the components of a CPU?
- What is the function of an ALU?
- Write the functions of control unit.
- What is the function of memory?
- Differentiate Input and output unit.
- Distinguish Primary and Secondary memory.
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[pdf-embedder url=”https://csknowledgeopener.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/XI-CS-TM-PUBLIC-EXAM-IMPORTANT-QUESTION-2022-2023.pdf” title=”XI – CS TM PUBLIC EXAM IMPORTANT QUESTION 2022-2023″]