11th computer science public exam important question 2022-2023
11th computer science public exam important question
- What is a computer?
- Distinguish between data and information.
- What are the components of a CPU?
- What is the function of an ALU?
- Write the functions of control unit.
- What is the function of memory?
- Differentiate Input and output unit.
- Distinguish Primary and Secondary memory.
- What are the characteristics of a computer?
- Write the applications of computer.
- What is an input device? Give two examples.
- Name any three output devices.
- Differentiate Optical mouse and Laser mouse (Out of Portion)
- Write short note on impact printer
- Write the characteristics of sixth generation.
- Write the significant features of monitor.
- What is data?
- Write the 1’s complement procedure.
- Convert (46)10 into Binary number
- We cannot find 1’s complement for (28)10. State reason.
- List the encoding systems for characters in memory.
- List the search engines supported by Tamil language.
- What are the keyboard layouts used in Android?
- Write a short note about Tamil Programming Language.
- What is TSCII?
- Write a short note on Tamil Virtual Academy.
- What is the role of firewalls?
- Write about encryption and decryption.
- Explain about proxy server.
- What are the guidelines to be followed by any computer user?
- What are ethical issues? Name some.
- What is inheritance?
- What is a base class?
- Why derived class is called power packed class?
- In what multilevel and multiple inheritance differ though both contains many base class?
- What is the difference between public and private visibility mode?
- What are the rules for function overloading?
- How does a compiler decide as to which function should be invoked when there are many functions? Give an example.
- What is operator overloading? Give some examples of operators which can be overloaded.
- Discuss the benefits of constructor overloading?
- class sale ( int cost, discount ;public: sale(sale &); Write a non inline definition for constructor specified;
- What is function overloading?
- List the operators that cannot be overloaded.
- class add{int x; public: add(int)}; Write an outline definition for the constructor.
- Does the return type of a function help in overloading a function?
- What is the use of overloading a function?
- What is paradigm? Mention the different types of paradigm.
- Write a note on the features of procedural programming.
- List some of the features of modular programming.
- What do you mean by modularization and software reuse?
- Define information hiding.
- How is modular programming different from procedural programming paradigm?
- Differentiate classes and objects.
- What is polymorphism?
- How is encapsulation and abstraction are interrelated?
- Write the disadvantages of OOP.
- Explain Call by value method with suitable example.
- What is Recursion? Write a program to find the factorial of the given number using recursion.
- What are the different forms of function return? Explain with example.
- Explain scope of variable with example.
- Write a program to accept any integer number and reverse it.
- What is Built-in functions?
- What is the difference between isupper() and toupper() functions ?
- Write about strcmp() function.
- Write short note on pow() function in C++.
- What are the information the prototype provides to the compiler?
- What is default arguments? Give example.
- Define Functions.
- Write about strlen() function.
- What are importance of void data type.
- What is Parameter and list its types?
- Write a note on Local Scope.
- Write a short note on const keyword with an example.
- What is the use of setw( ) format manipulator?
- Why is char often treated as integer data type?
- What is a reference variable? What is its use?
- Consider the following C++ statement. Are they equivalent?
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